About Hedgehog House

“What’s this about? Hedgehog House? Hedgehogs?” you ask.

There are two explanations.

Firstly – we find ourselves often trying to classify people and behaviours into “Hedgehogs” or “Foxes”?

Foxes are clever, resourceful and perhaps a bit sneaky; and they seem to always get their way. We Hedgehogs – well we sometimes just curl up into a ball and hope for the best.

Foxes drive BMWs. Hedgehogs drive Honda Accords.

Foxes dine at Daniel. Hedgehogs eat out at the Star Tavern.

Foxes drink single malt Scotch. Hedgehogs splurge with La Vielle Ferme (a.k.a. Chicken Wine)

So, there’s that.

And then, we have visited St Tiggywinkles—the wildlife hospital in Haddenham, UK where many, many injured hedgehogs have been treated. We got up close and personal with the wee beasties there and—well—they really are quite extraordinary.

Over the years, friends and relatives have taken note of our interest in hedgehogs and –as we put it—hedgehogs started collecting us.

So, that’s the story. Nothing exciting. Kinda like a hedgehog.

p.s. St Tiggywinkles was named Mrs Tiggy-Winkle from The Tale of Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle by Beatrix Potter.